The Band


This project is a critical and self-critical movement that tries, through several fronts, to draw a profile of the human footsteps and the globe scenario today. This movement has no financial objective, but tries to keep the flame burning for a discussion, reflection on new harmful paradigms that we are living. The movement also tries to indicate ways to solidify beneficial changes through interactive discussion and collective construction, which can permeate a scientific, artistic logic and the popular knowledge. Musics, Images and Science moving in the same direction.


“Many millennia ago has emerged a special species, the Man, here called as MONKEY MAN! by its familiarity and by the common evolutionary trunk, a typical primate. The Monkey Man initially respected and feared the nature, but with the development of his mind, his intelligence made him restless, domineering and ambitious. Now, he always wants the ALL AND NOW, and of his way. He created his fantasies, his lies, and his MASKS to get what he wanted. And so he became powerful, spread throughout the globe, altered the dinamic of nature, artificialized his life, and therefore became VULNERABLE. Their overpopulation obeys the ecological rules of nature, and therefore many people are HUNGRY, sad, desperate, crazy and very disunited… However, with the knowledge patrimony and experience gained, humans would must be CLOSER to each other, understanding that the ALL IS CYCLING, and which would must NEVER SALE YOUR SMILE. So, WATCH OUT! Because everyone should pay attention to life, to things, and to try to know yourself, but also must become interested by the others … We’ve to know how to distinguish: _ WHO IS WHO? _What is what? _ What do we really have to do? Because the TIME is implacable.”

Understanding the perception of Monkey Men!

“In this project, the Monkey Man is portrayed as the primitive, most instinctive, human being. But this is only a play on words, calling attention to a deprecating insult or expression that became universal when people are attacked morally and psychologically by nicknames of this kind. In reality, when we study the nature and the history, we realize that calling a “Gorilla” or a “Monkey” of “Human” is that it would be a real offense.”

“Despite the destructive actions done by a minority of Monkey Men, there is yet another pole that cultivates good and attempt to re-equilibrate this balance, for the benefit of the majority of people, that in function lack of knowledge and lack of resources, are inserted in the wheel of life that the first ones impel.”

“Today we are hostages, day-to-day, of a minority of people, countries and companies malicious and selfish.”

“Although we are all living in a commoving situation, still are we that possess the keys and the portals that can be opened to a better reality. Despite the sad and shocking scenes, at the same time we still see facts and examples of truly “human” actions, of free enterprise and charity. The human race is more ugly and monstrous that it is possible to meet, but at the same time, is the more beautiful and wonderful, by the potentiality of loving and doing goodness. And so, we are the specie unique that can rebalance the route to the path of harmony on the globe.”

“Hoje somos reféns, no dia-a-dia, de uma minoria de pessoas, países e empresas mal-intencionadas e egoístas”.

“Embora todos nós estejamos vivendo uma situação comovente, ainda possuímos as chaves e os portais, que podem ser abertos para uma realidade melhor. Apesar das cenas tristes e chocantes, ao mesmo tempo ainda vemos fatos e exemplos de ações verdadeiramente “humanas”, de cooperação e de caridade gratuitas. A espécie humana é a mais feia e monstruosa que se pode conhecer, mas ao mesmo tempo, a mais linda e maravilhosa, pela potencialidade de amar e fazer o bem. E, que apesar de tudo, é a única espécie que pode reequilibrar a rota para o caminho da harmonia no globo”.